

We welcome and encourage you to join a CWL committee. Joining a CWL committee gives you additional opportunities to meet fantastic and energetic CWL members while helping to advance our goals and ensure that our voice is a powerful one.

Below is a list of committees. Please choose the committees that most interest you and email our administrator at [email protected] or the Chair(s) of the committee to see how you can get involved! 


The Amicus Curiae Committee evaluates whether CWL should file or join an amicus brief based on CWL’s priorities and presents its evaluation and recommendation to the Board for approval. The committee supervises the preparation of briefs and identifies attorneys with appropriate expertise to aid in such preparation. Thereafter, a subcommittee reviews and approves briefs prior to filing in the subject litigation.


The Annual Conference Committee plans CWL’s annual conference and works within its budget to secure a venue, catering, and programming/speakers for the conference. The Committee works closely with staff to develop an event timeline, marketing materials, and manage registration and logistics for the event.


The Annual Dinner Committee plans CWL’s annual dinner and works within its budget to secure a venue, catering, and programming/speakers for the dinner. The Committee works closely with staff to develop an event timeline, marketing materials, and manage registration and logistics for the event.


The Awards Committee stewards CWL’s four annual Awards: Fay Stender, Judith Soley Lawyer as Citizen, Rose Bird Memorial, and Joan Dempsey Klein Distinguished Jurist. The Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for each award, selecting prospective recipients who most closely fit the spirit and legacy of the award’s namesake and what the award is meant to honor, presenting selected prospective recipients to the Board for discussion and vote, and coordinating with the successful nominating individuals/organizations to plan events honoring the selected recipients.


The primary role of the Communications Committee is to provide members and the community with transparent communications such as news, information, resources, program details, and other CWL updates consistent with CWL’s mission and goals, in a timely and efficient manner.

The Committee provides quarterly newsletters, maintains CWL’s website and social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other sites in both context and content.


The Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Committee works to increase and celebrate diversity in CWL’s programming and membership, and to promote the use of diverse speakers.


The Governance Committee provides guidance to the Board regarding the requirements of the governing documents of CWL, the California Corporations Code for nonprofit corporations and Robert’s Rules of Order. The Committee reviews CWL committee charters for compliance with requirements and considers questions from Board members regarding the appropriate process to address issues as they arise.



The Judicial Evaluations Committee advocates for a diverse and qualified State and federal bench by preparing thorough and unbiased evaluations of judicial candidates upon request. The Committee reviews the candidate’s application, writing samples and questionnaires. The Committee solicits and reviews confidential questionnaire forms from lists provided by the candidate and generated by the Committee. A subcommittee conducts candidate interviews, prepares detailed written reports, and qualifications recommendations via presentation to the Board in a confidential session. The Committee communicates with the candidate and appointing authorities regarding the Board’s vote on level of qualification.


The In-House Counsel Network manages CWL’s In-House Counsel Network, which enables CWL and in-house counsel from across the state and industries to partner on an agenda that advances women in law and business. The Committee works with other CWL committees to offer MCLE programming, and other events specific to the Network, in addition to developing the Network listserv and relevant social media content. The Committee identifies, attracts, and vets potential Network members.


The Legislative Committee is the cornerstone of CWL’s legislative priorities and advocacy efforts. The Committee with the approval of the Board has compiled a member-written-and-approved priority list comprised of statements that represent CWL’s positions and issues over which the state Legislature, state agencies and federal government have power. The Committee works with CWL affiliates to monitor proposed bills at the state and federal levels and evaluates their significance and relevance to CWL's mission and recommends whether CWL should support or oppose these measures for Board approval.


The Membership Committee works to recruit and retain active CWL members and increase diversity of the membership. The Committee coordinates outreach to determine membership needs, communicates with non-renewing members, and develops membership drives. The Committee develops initiatives to balance membership in legal industry sectors.


The Programs Committee identifies and develops content relevant to CWL members. The Committee plans programming, including securing speakers and/or subject matter experts, developing a programming calendar and working with affiliate organizations to amplify their programming through
social media. The Committee sets pricing for programming and monitors registration and attendance.


The Sponsorship Committee works with Board members to develop leads for sponsorship of CWL programming. The Committee contacts potential sponsors and develops sponsorship packages that fit the sponsor’s needs. The Committee also sets the sponsorship amounts and number of sponsors for CWL programs.