Judicial EvaluationThe CWL evaluation process is uniquely thorough and CWL evaluations are well-respected by both California's Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation (the "JNE Commission") and the Judicial Appointments Unit of the Governor's Office.
Any applicant interested in being evaluated by CWL’s Judicial Committee should contact the CWL office for more information on the judicial evaluation process. The request may be made by phone, by mail, by fax, or by e-mail. The request should include the applicant's name, address, and position applied for (i.e., superior or appellate court). CWL’s address is 2520 Venture Oaks Drive, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95833, phone (916) 930-9020, or e-mail [email protected]. CWL will respond with a packet of materials provides additional detailed instructions and which the applicant should complete and return to the CWL office. The applicant should, at the same time, forward to the CWL office the following items:
Once CWL receives the applicant's completed packet, the evaluation will be assigned to the Judicial Committee to complete the evaluation process, which will include a personal or telephone interview with the applicant. Upon completion of the evaluation, the Judicial Committee will present findings to the full CWL Board of Governors so that an evaluation discussion made be made and a rating (Exceptionally Well Qualified, Well Qualified, Qualified, Not Qualified or Decline to Rate) assigned. Thereafter, CWL will send a letter to the Governor's office containing CWL’s evaluation.